Parker Moore:
Winning for Conservative Values.
Parker Moore was born and raised right here in the heart of District 4. After getting an education at the University of Alabama, he came back to serve those who helped shape him into the leader he is today. Parker knows the challenges our community faces. It hasn't always been easy, but with your support, he's ensuring that our children can enjoy the same great life he did growing up.

Parker Moore:
Standing Tall on the Issues.

Defending the Second Amendment
The radical leftist in DC have made it perfectly clear that they have every intention of criminalizing every gun owner in America. Parker has voted numerous times to make Alabama the most gun-friendly state in America. Our right to defend ourselves and our family isn't something Parker will ever be willing to compromise on.
Standing Up for Small Businesses
It's no surprise what keeps our local economy going: Small Businesses. The men and women who risk their own livelihood to provide local service and a countless number of jobs deserve to have our support. During his time in the legislature, Parker has worked to ensure that the small business owners in District 4 and across Alabama know he has their backs.
Pro-Military and Veterans
America is the land of the free because of the fine men and women who serve in and support our Military. In 2021, Parker Moore championed and passed a large Military-related bill that gained recognition by many around the country as one of the most Military-friendly bills nationwide, and was even recognized later by the Department of Defense for positively impacting the lives of our Military in Alabama.

Supporting Secure Elections
The Democrats will stop at nothing to win an election. Here in Alabama Parker has a strong record of supporting legislation that ensures only American Citizens vote, and when they do vote they only vote one time. The days of dead voters choosing our elected officials will soon be over.
Investing in Education
Parker Moore is proud to have helped Alabama students and teachers by passing the largest education budget our state has ever seen. We can not continue being last in education, and in some subject ranking 52nd. Parker Moore has relentlessly stood up for our schools and thats something he'll never apologize for or ever back down from doing.
Enhancing Economic Development
When Parker Moore first ran for the legislature just a few years ago, he promised the people of District 4 that he would work to bring as many shovel-ready jobs to our area as possible. Since being elected, District 4 has seen the largest amount of economic investment of any county, district or area of our state for nearly four years in a row.